Hello, Youth Lacrosse Players and Families!
We hope this last week is starting to normalize as much as possible as we know some of our families are still without power and almost everyone is still picking up debris from the crazy weather.
We wanted to take a few minutes to give you all a little heads-up regarding what the board has been working with and navigating since we last parted ways nearly a year ago. We are ready to go for a full season and we are SUPER EXCITED!!! Fields are confirmed, schedules are being made and we are awaiting the season starting the first week of March!
We will be posting more information as we get closer to the start of the season - stay tuned and check our or Facebook and Instagram Page!
Boy’s Youth Lacrosse Update – Season Plans
Wilsonville Youth Lacrosse is a member of the Oregon Youth Lacrosse (OYL) which oversees youth lacrosse for boys. OYL has recently held a meeting of all Oregon clubs and has announced a season tentatively planned for April - June. We all know that things may change but right now we are expecting to play youth lacrosse later this spring.
We are working diligently on our schedules and field priority and will hear more in the coming weeks.
Girl’s Youth Lacrosse Update – Season Plans
Our girl’s lacrosse program is eager to get started and everyone is looking forward to a great season! With that said we are in desperate need of some volunteers...
We are currently looking to fill the following positions.
7/8 Head Coach
5/6 Head Coach & Assistant
3/4 Head Coach & Assistant
We know coaching can seem like a daunting task but we will help equip you and give you the support that’s needed. We don’t expect one person to carry to load of this and please know we are all here to help. If you ever thought about coaching this is a fun way to get started and share in the life of lacrosse with your player. Please send us an email and we’ll connect with you.
We will work to keep everyone updated and will send communication via email and on social media and we learn more details.
To help us plan for the season, we are trying to get a feel for how many players may be interested so please complete the survey (see the link below).
Thank you for your patience and we appreciate your support of our program! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the board.